Portable Power
Stationary Advent HT-PEM Fuel Cells provide reliable, high-quality power during emergency response situations such as defense, law enforcement, transportation safety, rescue and surveillance markets, as well as to non-emergency situations such as powering telco towers, remote construction sites, lighted trade show displays, etc.. Advent develops and licenses for mass-production 55W to 5kW systems.
Advent fuel cells bring the benefits of:
Long Run Times
Off-grid Operation
Silent Operation
Lightweight compared to batteries
Auxiliary power
for transportation APUs for marine, trucking, aviation, and recreational vehicles. For “hoteling” load such as heating, lighting, charging.
Combined Heat & Power Systems (micro-CHP)
Micro Combined heat and power (micro-CHP) systems use primarily natural gas to provide energy for private homes and small commercial buildings. Overall system efficiency can reach 90% (35%+ electric, 50%+ heat). Micro-CHP units have better environmental performance than traditional competing technologies.